Anyway, this game is overall very good, and that’s why I gave it 5 stars. But maybe if they have more then 5 wins they can’t access the “noob” servers. I also have a suggestion, maybe you could add more pro servers, practice servers, and “noob” servers for the newer players. But it’s mostly in the first round the bots are in, then they just get out because they were to slow.

Now the game is still fun, but it’s just more fun when I know I’m playing with real people. I like playing with real players, not some computer. I would also like to mention how it seems like some of the players are not really players and there AI (Artificial Intelligence) or bots, computers, whatever you call it. But if there not out yet, why put them on the choosing thing.

I know the developers are PROBABLY (not verified) working on new maps or something. Because, they pop up on the choosing thing, but the other ones never get picked. Now, there still fun, but I would like some new maps maybe. Though, the maps are the same maps over and over. It’s really easy to play, and get the hang of and overall really fun. So fist I would like to say, it’s a great app for people you do not have computers. This game is amazing, but it could use some fixes The chances of 7 humans in a random game running to the exact same spot and falling off the map over and over again? Slim to none dead give away that there are some AI. I think there should be more rounds to increase the suspense. Still a fun game that could be even better with some improvements. Don’t get me wrong there are definitely real people in the game but it would seem that in the very first round of the game there are at least 5-7 Bots running around. When I’m playing what’s considered an “online game” It’s cool knowing that I’m actually facing real life people that have a brain and actually have to make decisions that could be from anywhere in the world other than facing a bot running off of ones and zeros. They would run to a certain spot and then fall off the map, it would respawn them they would run to the exact spot and fall off etc….So I’m willing to bet that not all 30 or whatever it is of the people in a given game are actually real life players seems that some of them are AI (artificial intelligence) and for me that’s kinda disappointing as It almost takes away from the competitive aspect. Round 1 I qualified super early and I literally watched (as you can then spectate once you reach the checkered area) 6-7 other stumble guys literally stuck in a loop. That being said I have my doubts about all the players being real. This a pretty fun game especially for being on a phone.