All the changes that appeared in 4.2 and 9.1 are present. Mortal Kombat II Challenger is a popular hack of the MKII arcade version.The most notable difference is the battle with Jade after 4 wins. Mortal Kombat II 9.1 is another hack, minor differences from 4.2.2 is a hacked version of the arcade original with some additions such as: quick uppercuts, always a red shadow at Johnny Cage's special moves, his special punch hits a little further, battle with Nub Saibot after only six wins, the ability to fight Smoak after Dan Forden appears at any level, a light fatality in The Dead Pool arena (uppercut), after which you can finish a dead body, playing Pong after 16 fights, Jakcha's face punch is accelerated and accompanied by LuKang screams. Ultimate Mortal Kombat II Tournament Edition, a huge hack that very much rules the balance.